FREE Classified Advertising Review

Do free classified ads really work? The truth is, sometimes they do and sometimes they do not. Marketing is all about numbers. The more methods you use to advertise the more visitors to your website you will get! Two of the best ways to currently bring traffic to your website is with pay per click search engines such as Overture and Google along with solo ads in ezines.

With that said, free classified ad sites do still work! What is important is that the product or service that you are promoting should be something that the advertiser can benefit from. Remember this, it must be a product or service that advertisers need! What I mean is that many website owners see other ads while searching for their ads to make sure they are being displayed. The trick is to find out what website owners need and your traffic will greatly increase.

So, should you use Free Classified Advertising in your marketing campaign? The answer is Yes! Some advice for using classified ads is to test, test , test. Try a variety of different ads and when you have one that pulls, keep posting it! Once you locate some classified ad sites that work for you keep posting to them regularly, that way your ad stays close to the top. Not everyone will get the same results, it depends on your ad's heading, the quality of your ad and how often you post it.

One of the tricks to free classified advertising is quantity and testing. It is critical to test every ad that you run. And, you may not like this, but you need to submit hundreds of ads every week. That is why it is important to find classified sites that work for you. Once you do, you can then concentrate less on posting ads and more on finding new classified ad sites that produce results for you.

To help make posting your classified ads easier I have found two great tools called AdWizard and TypeItIn. You can use AdWizard to help you post to free classified sites. It will also keep track of when you post. You can use TypeItIn to define buttons that will type in any information you want into any application. Use it to fill out forms on the web, such as the forms found when posting your free classified ads through AdWizard!

Work smart, time is money and marketing your website comes down to numbers.


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