25 Blog Marketing Tips

With so many blogs being created every day, it’s a mystery to many bloggers how to make their blog stand out. There are many types of blogs or purposes for blogs and a certain number of tactics are applicable to just about all of them.Some companies choose to hire a Blog consultant, but others like to try things internally. For those “DIY” companies and individuals interested in practical tips for marketing and optimizing a business blog, try out the following list of blog marketing and optimization tips:

  1. Decide on a stand alone domain name www.myblog.com or directory of existing site www.mysite.com/blog. Sub domain is also an option blog.mysite.com. Avoid hosted services that do not allow you to use your own domain name!
  2. Obtain and install customizable blog software - WordPress and Moveable Type are my favorites.
  3. Customize blog look and feel templates - aka design.
  4. Research keywords and develop a glossary - Keyword Discovery, WordTracker, SitePoint, SEOBook Keyword Research.
  5. Optimize the blog:
    • Template optimization - RSS subscription options, social bookmark links, HTML code, Unique title tags, URLs, Sitemap
    • Add helper plugins specific to WordPress or MT
    • Create keyword rich categories (reference your keyword glossary)
  6. Enable automatic trackback and ping functionality.
  7. Create Feedburner Pro account and enable feed tracking.
  8. Setup a Google account for Sitemap, validate and prep for future submission.
  9. Identify authoritative blogs, web sites and hubs for outbound resource links and blogroll.
  10. Format archived posts, related posts.
  11. Enable statistics for tracking - Google Analytics, ClickTracks.
  12. Submit RSS feed and Blog URL to prominent RSS and Blog directories / search engines.
  13. Engage in an ongoing link building campaign.
  14. If podcast or video content are available, submit to Podcast and Vlog directories.
  15. Submit blog url to paid directories with categories for blogs - Yahoo, BOTW, bCentral, WOW, JoeAnt.
  16. Optimize and distribute a press release announcing blog.
  17. Request feedback or reviews of your blog in relevant forums, discussion threads. If you have a resourceful post that will help others, point to it.
  18. Research and comment on relevant industry related blogs and blogs with significant centers of influence.
  19. Post regularly. If it’s a news oriented blog, 3-5 times per day. If it’s an authoritative blog, 3-5 times per week, but each post must be unique and high value.
  20. Monitor inbound links, traffic, comments and mentions of your blog - Google Alerts, Technorati, Blogpulse, Yahoo News, Ask Blogs and Feeds.
  21. Always respond to comments on your blog and when you detect a mention of your blog on another blog, thank that blogger in the comments of the post.
  22. Make contact with related bloggers on AND offline if possible.
  23. When making blog posts always cite the source with a link and don’t be afraid to mention popular bloggers by name. Use keywords in the blog post title, in the body of the post and use anchor text when you link to previous posts you’ve made.
  24. Use social networking services, forums and discussion threads to connect with other bloggers. If they like your stuff, they will link to you.
  25. Remember when web sites were a new concept and the sage advice to print your web address everywhere you print your phone number? The same advice applies for your blog.
  26. If your blog’s goal is to promote you as an authority, interview other prominent bloggers in your industry. Your own credibility will improve by association.
  27. Build out your online networks through services such as MyBlogLog, Twitter and Facebook and leverage them to promote particularly useful content on your blog.
  28. Once your blog has 1000 or more subscribers, show your Feedburner badge
  29. Host images with Flickr making sure to include an anchor text link in the image description back to the post where the image is used.
  30. Use your blog to gain press/media credentials at relevant industry conferences and use the event to create content, connections and increase your knowledge.

FREE Classified Advertising Review

Do free classified ads really work? The truth is, sometimes they do and sometimes they do not. Marketing is all about numbers. The more methods you use to advertise the more visitors to your website you will get! Two of the best ways to currently bring traffic to your website is with pay per click search engines such as Overture and Google along with solo ads in ezines.

With that said, free classified ad sites do still work! What is important is that the product or service that you are promoting should be something that the advertiser can benefit from. Remember this, it must be a product or service that advertisers need! What I mean is that many website owners see other ads while searching for their ads to make sure they are being displayed. The trick is to find out what website owners need and your traffic will greatly increase.

So, should you use Free Classified Advertising in your marketing campaign? The answer is Yes! Some advice for using classified ads is to test, test , test. Try a variety of different ads and when you have one that pulls, keep posting it! Once you locate some classified ad sites that work for you keep posting to them regularly, that way your ad stays close to the top. Not everyone will get the same results, it depends on your ad's heading, the quality of your ad and how often you post it.

One of the tricks to free classified advertising is quantity and testing. It is critical to test every ad that you run. And, you may not like this, but you need to submit hundreds of ads every week. That is why it is important to find classified sites that work for you. Once you do, you can then concentrate less on posting ads and more on finding new classified ad sites that produce results for you.

To help make posting your classified ads easier I have found two great tools called AdWizard and TypeItIn. You can use AdWizard to help you post to free classified sites. It will also keep track of when you post. You can use TypeItIn to define buttons that will type in any information you want into any application. Use it to fill out forms on the web, such as the forms found when posting your free classified ads through AdWizard!

Work smart, time is money and marketing your website comes down to numbers.

10 Free Google Internet marketing resources

Can you imagine the Internet without Google? "Googled" is now a very common term and is done by millions of people each day.

What most people don't realize is that Google offers free online marketing tools. These advertising resources can prove to be extremely valuable to any marketer who is trying to increase traffic to their website. Just because something is free doesn't mean it cannot be valuable.

Why would Google be giving away these free tools and services? What better way to improve your brand name then by providing helpful resources at no cost, and it just makes good business sense.

Every online marketer should be taking advantage of Google's free resources.

Here's a list of the 10 most valuable free Google Internet marketing resources:

1. Google Analytics : http://www.google.com/analytics/

One of the most valuable marketing toold offered by Google. Find out where your site's traffic is coming from and what it does once it gets there. Google Analytics will provide vital informaton for improving your conversion rate and can track all the steps a visitor takes leading up to your checkout page. You can have up to three sites monitored for free.

There may be a waiting list for this extremely useful service from Google.

2. Google Sitemaps : http://www.google.com/support/webmasters/bin/answer.py?answer=40318

By submitting a sitemap file to Google you can list all the pages that exist on your website, provide information about those pages such as which are most important and how often they change. You can actually take control of the first part of the crawling process, how Google finds and indexes your website.

3. Google Alerts : http://www.google.com/alerts

Get email updates of the latest Google search results based on a specific query or topic. You can use this free service to keep tabs on your competitors or to get the latest on your favorite sports teams.

4. Google Froogle/Base : http://www.google.com/base/help/sellongoogle.html

It costs nothing to reach shoppers by submitting your items to Google Base so they'll be found on Google or Froogle. Froogle is a price directory and will index your website which will provide a list of your products or services to targeted customers.

If you have products that you want included in Froogle's local shopping results pages, you must use Google Base to upload these items to Froogle.

5. Google Webmaster Tools :

Google's webmaster tools provide you with a free and easy way to make your site more Google-friendly. You can get Google's view of your website, and diagnose potential problems. Would you like to know how Google crawls and indexes your site? You can also learn about specific problems that Google is having with accessing your site and then you can fix them!

6. Google Blogger : https://www.blogger.com/start

Blogging has become a vital key to providing quality online marketing information. No website should be without at least one RSS feed and Blog. Having a blog relating to your website's topic will bring in extra traffic and targeted visitors. eBlogger is a free service that also allows you to post your blogs to your own server. Once your blog is up and running you can then submit it to Google.

7. Google Toolbar - Enterprise Version : http://toolbar.google.com/T4/enterprise/

The Google Toolbar provides powerful productivity features including easy access to Google, customized search buttons, instant search suggestions, and a pop-up blocker.

Don't forget that Google ranks every page it indexes on a scale of 0-10. Knowing the PR of your competitor's websites can be even more important then knowing the PR of your own pages. You can use the toolbar to find out the PR of every site you visit. This can be very helpful when you are looking for inbound links to your website.

8. Google and submitting your content : http://www.google.com/intl/en/submit_content.html

Submitting your content to Google is very important and will make it easier for Google to find and index your web pages. You can add your URL to the Google index, submit all types of online and offline content such as RSS feeds, and you can also submit book and video content!

9. Google Adsense : https://www.google.com/adsense/login/en_US/?gsessionid=vV5cEJEScsY

Another simple way to add web content to your website is to use Google Adsense. Google provides the Adsense code and you recive a check each month. This could be an easy way to earn extra inccome from your site.

Marketers can also use the Adsense system to provide them with marketing information on the keywords that they use for their website. This can keep you informed on what keywords are being bid on relating to your topic and and how much is being paid for them.

Adsense also has a tracking system that you can use to keep track of all your important web pages. This is an excellent resource that you can get for free.

10. Google Writely : https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLogin?

One of the more recent additions to Google's list of free resources is Writely. It is a full featured online writing edior with spellcheck and other great features. You can also publish your content directly to your blog and you can also save files in the popular PDF format. What a great feature for marketers who are using E-books to market their products or services.

Article marketing is one of the best ways to drive traffic to your website and Writely can be a great resource for creating and publishing your articles.

More Google Stuff : http://www.google.com/intl/en/options/

Google offers many other free resources. More tools for searching the web, free software to help your computer run better, communication tools, and more

Getting a Good Start with Link Marketing

Most of us do not have a lot of expendable income starting out so I do not spend much time explaining the options that involve paying large sums of money. In my experience, webmasters with that kind of money contact a company to handle this for them (I have had enough of them as clients to know). I intend on putting out another article to cover this option more in depth, however this article only covers the less costly options.

There are 3 cheap ways to get get some link popularity:

* Ezine articles

* Field related forums

* Banner/Link exchanges

Ezine Articles

Ezines are online magazines. Ezine articles provide two great benefits. First and foremost, they allow you to link to your site from your article or resource area. Also, they provide a chance to show off the knowledge you have in your field. Although this is essentially a free way to get a quality link, it does come with some work. You must be able to write a content rich article on a topic related to your site. Most Ezine sites do not mind giving you the opportuníty to get your name out there but you need to provide them with a well written article that offers something to their users. Searching for ezine databases on any major search engine should provide you with a líst of great sources for this linking method. Be sure to consult the guidelines of an ezine site in which you decide to submit articles.

Related forums

Forums are another great opportuníty to get your site out there without paying up. Again, it does take some time. Find forums that cater to questions about your field. For instance, if you sell natural supplements for joint pain, search for forums related to arthritis. Find strings that are talking about different options for arthritis or ask about what works. This opens a perfect opportuníty to link to your site. It is important to know that most forums are not keen on letting sales pitches post for long. The trick here is to provide quality information on these posts. You could compare your arthritis product to others, you could even provide a plug for a competitor (attempting to prove yourself superior, of course). This makes your post look less like a sales or link pitch and helps make the internet more content driven like it was intended to be.

Banner/Link Exchanges

There are usually two main ways you can get a banner or link on another site without offering any content. You can pay them a fee, or you can propose a trade. Like the other two options, only target sites that are related to you in some way. Exchanges require a little research on your part. You want to search for your potential link partner to see that they are worth the trade. A easy rule of thumb is to check their pagerank compared to yours. You can use this free tool to compare at CheckPageRank.net. Put your web address in and look at your pagerank as well as theirs. If you are paying for a link and they have a pagerank of zero it would be wise to save your money. If you are trading links, use your better judgment. If they have a quality site it may be worth the exchange in hopes that their site takes off and they can share a little of their success with you.

Take note that a link from no single site will boost your website's importance significantly. Every quality link helps a little bit so you need to practice all methods for some time before you see the results you want. Stick with it and be patient.

Search Engine Optimization is Not Always the Answer

Search engine optimization has a purpose. Keyword targeting lets search engines link their users to your website when they look for your keywords. They will not do this satisfactorily without optimizing your site with proper web design techniques. Unfortunately, however, it is more complicated than that. Have you ever wondered why Google will almost always place Ebay on the first few pages when anything is entered into the search field accompanied with the word buy? The word buy has been targeted from more sites than you could count so what makes Ebay special.

For example, take the word bike. If a person uses Google by searching for the string 'buy bike', a page from Ebay will usually be listed before any of the major bicycle makers. It goes without saying that any of the major bicycle dealers have spent a great deal more time targeting keywords related to bikes than a site that manages hundreds of thousands of different products. The answer to this problem is the nature of this article.

Can My Website Compete?

The answer is to increase the importance of your site in the eyes of the major search engines. Ebay gets searched before many other sites because it has been decided by the search engines to be more popular with internet users. So what I am offering the little guy is a way to do what Ebay and the other 'big dogs' have done to become popular.

The world of search engines boil down to the stereotypical high school hierarchy. Search engines pay more attention to those that are popular. In high school, teens usually become popular by having popular people associate with them. The online world is no different. But how do search engines know that popular sites are associating with you? That is an easy one - they link to your website. The three biggest search engine players all crawl the web indexing links to and from all the websites that they have found. They create a ranking system based on many factors, but the most substantial one is how many sites link to you. It could be argued that an optimized site is key, and my opinion expressed here is based on the assumption that your site has been built with proper design techniques. It is also assumed that you have well written content based on your main products or ideas. If you feel that your website does not currently qualify as well written or properly designed, I recommend that you rectify these issues before attempting to build your popularity as it may turn out to be a waste of time.

Do Not Jump Right into Getting Links

There are many tempting ways to get other sites to link to you that are very unsavory. I choose to address these first. These include:

* sites that promote linking as a primary activity.

* sites that have illegal or inappropriate content.

* sites that are entirely unrelated to your target market

Sites that do nothing more than link to other sites may look like a great option but a site without content is not very popular with the search engines. They need to provide something to internet surfers in order to be important. If they are not important to the search engines then a link from them should not be important to you. Link marketing is based on quality links not the amount of links. I advise staying away from these sites all together. Next, it goes without saying, sites with illegal and inappropriate content are never a safe bet.

Web 2.0 Strategy: Why You Should Be a Maven, Not a Marketer

As a website owner, how should you position your message in the Web 2.0 world?

The increasingly savvy buying public will quickly shun marketers. Internet readers want information from the Internet. They don't want advertising, marketing, or a "pitch".

According to Schefren in his Attention Age Doctrine, the solution is to become a social media "Maven".

A Maven is a trusted authority, like a friend, on the social media websites. As you gain their trust, your audience will return to you over and over again wanting to invest in your advice.

Five Steps to Becoming a Social Media Maven

Social Media Maven Step 1: Get in the Game

Begin blogging immediately. Create a video explaining how to solve a problem and put it on YouTube, MySpace, and Facebook with links back to your main website. Just those two things alone will establish more Web 2.0 presence than 90% of your competition.

Social Media Maven Step 2: Share your passion

Build your Web 2.0 website around your passions. Thirty-two year old Gary Vaynerchuk transformed his wine knowledge to his video blog. It now has thousands of subscribers and does $50 millíon dollars a year in wine sales.

Social Media Maven Step 3: Be Controversial

Your audience will remember you more when you challenge the status quo. Controversy sells. Think like the tabloids and the local news channels here. For example, Web 2.0 Business Coach Rich Schefren challenges traditional marketing wisdom in each release of his Attention Age Doctrine special reports at www.attentionage.net/doctrine.

Social Media Maven Step 4: Create World Class Content

You will drive repeat traffic to your website by offering top notch "how to" information. Gary's wine tastings are highly educational on the benefits of wine, how to cook with wine, and how to choose a wine for your special occasion. Rich's reports teach Web 2.0 marketing principles.

Remember, as soon as your audience feels that you are "pitching" them, you've lost them. So provide content not advertising.

Social Media Maven Step 5: Engage in the Conversation

Web 2.0 is a dialogue not a monologue. Internet businesses profít more when they observe and listen to their communities first before they broadcast their messages. Savvy mavens such as Gary and Rich encourage their audience to ask questions. The answers to these questions then become part of their user-generated content.

How Marketing in a Web 2.0 Social Media Environment Is Exciting.

Visualize it like a big radio or television station or movie screen where you're the star. You're building a fan base so you need to entertain, inform, and deliver consistently for your audience.

You have more publishing power at your fingertips right now than at any time in history.

So use it.

Share your passions.

Reveal your trials and tribulations

Web 2.0 The Real Revolution on the Internet

The Web 2.0 social media revolution is in full steam. Are people finding your website?

As an entrepreneur, how do you make your business website stand out amongst 435 million other websites and more than 1 million blogs competing for your audience's attention?

It's not as hard as you might think.

To begin, let's look at the demographics of Web 2.0 social networking sites, Myspace.com, Facebook and YouTube.com. This will give you an idea on how to position your message in the Web 2.0 World.

The Web 2.0 Social Networking Revolution

Web 2.0 is a real revolution on the Internet. And these aren't just college kids...

* 62% of MySpace visitors are older than 25 (40% are 35+), and 83% are makíng over $30,000 a year. Nineteen percent (19%) are makíng $100,000 and up...

* On Facebook.com 46% are over 25 and 34% are 35+, but they've got deep pockets. Eighty-eight percent (88%) makë more than $30,000 and twenty-three percent (23%) makë $100,000 or more.

In the years ahead these numbers will get ridiculous...

* Social media giant Facebook is currently ADDING a million 25+ (non-student) adults per week to their rosters. That's 52 million new users a year.

* YouTube.com gets over 50 million unique visitors per month. That equals over half a billion a year.

* Facebook and MySpace have the equal daily traffic of Google. Experts predict within the next year they will DOUBLE the daily traffic of Google search.

So your prospects are there. The traffic is there. The spending power is there. So NOW is the time you want to establish your presence on the social networking websites.

Start A Social Marketing Campaign

Social marketing is a relatively new, often misunderstood form of online marketing that is reaping huge rewards for website owners who incorporate it into their marketing plans. I work with clients and customers who, while being very new to social marketing, are seeing results in the following areas:

1. Higher search engine rankings for their top keywords.

2. More rankings of additional keywords or "long tail" keyword phrases.

3. More link popularity from sites linking on their own accord.

4. More link popularity from social media sites.

5. More activity on their blogs, such as more commenting and interaction.

6. Direct traffic from incoming links on social media sites (One good StumbleUpon.com submission can net thousands of visitors alone.)

7. Fast traffic increases and steady growth in unique visitors month after month.

8. An increase in subscribers and sales. Social traffic, properly acquired, is very warm to your message and products.

The problem for most people when thinking about social marketing, after getting a taste of all the hundreds of sites there are to interact with, is becoming overwhelmed and paralyzed into inaction.

They assume established social marketers gained their "social authority" in a short period of time. This is simply not true. Although the opportunities for driving serious traffic and rankings from hundreds of social sites exists, it is an embarrassment of riches.

And it cannot be conquered over night. It is a gradual process you manage with all your other responsibilities and grow as time allows.

What I encourage my clients to do is set aside enough time each day to get one more link, participate in one more conversation, or sign up for one more account on a social site.

A little goes a long way and social marketing is not an "all or nothing" situation. Eventually you will have established yourself on the major social media sites you need to be on. And you will have a schedule that allows you to keep up with your other work while adding this extremely powerful marketing method to the mix.

10 Steps For Starting a Social Marketing Campaign

1. Schedule a bit of time each day to do some new things. Don't just say you are going to do them. Write the time into your day and follow through.

2. Sign up for the major social news sites: Digg.com, Propeller.com, Mixx.com. Don't submit anything to these sites until you have filled out your profile completely and submitted news from elsewhere on the web to generate a real presence and avoid being labeled as a spammer.

In fact, BE a real presence and don't try to push your own content onto the networks you belong to. It should feel and be natural and you will know what "natural is on each network by participating, commenting, voting and getting a general sense of what members think is good and bad content. Watch their comments and votes and you will know how to proceed with your own site's content from there.

3. If you don't have a blog, you must install one immediately. This is not an option. It is an absolute necessity on today's web. I recommend Wordpress which can be downloaded and installed by you or your webmaster. Wordpress download

Option #2: Check with your web host to see if they have Fantastico available to you and, if so, that it installs the latest version of Wordpress. If so you are very lucky because the software can be installed by you very easily in just a few steps with Fantastico.

4. Once you have your blog set up, join the following networks. (These are blog communities that will help you generate visitors, authority, and links and most bloggers belong to them.) MyBlogLog.com (install the widget on your Wordpress blog), and BlogCatalog.com. (they also have a widget to install)

5. Join groups, make friends, and interact with other bloggers on these networks. Especially the people who would be most likely to link to your blog and send you traffic who write about similar things or have an audience similar to yours who'd benefit by knowing you. You can even start your own group, promote it in the network, and send "shouts" to the group when you have announcements or need attention to a new post.

6. Once you have established yourself on all the sites above, meaning you have a decent profile in each that shows you've been active and involved, move on and search for networks that are geared toward your particular market niche. There are a lot of new "vertical" social sites popping up that focus on much more narrow markets and their membership is far warmer to your kind of information than on the bigger, more general networks above.

Add a new site to the mix as often as you can and repeat the steps for becoming established there as mentioned in Step 2 above.

7. Join a group dedicated to social marketing to pick up tips from other social marketers and find new places you can sign up with to continue building your social authority. New sites pop up every single day. Follow places like Go2Web20.net to find new opportunities to connect with your market.

8. Remote blog. Join blogger.com and put content there that is good, just not good enough to go on your main blog. This serves two purposes: 1) you get to use more of the great content you find as you travel through all the social news sites and 2) it gives you another place to link back to your main site and pass on traffic and link popularity over time.

9. Track your progress diligently. If something you are trying on a social network isn't working, you need to know that in order to save time and move on to something more fruitful. MyBlogLog.com (above) has a tracking system which will show you where your traffic is coming from so you can avoid time wasting efforts and focus more on the sites that are really pulling in good traffic for you.

10. Don't freak out! This is only overwhelming if you act like someone at an all-you-can-eat buffet with no self control. You have other things to do and this needs to fit into, not dominate, your current business and marketing.

Social marketing, once you've established some authority, will replace some things you are currently doing to promote your site. Many people completely drop their paid advertising or PPC campaigns once they see the organic, natural traffic and search engine rankings pile up from social marketing.

Until then, just take it one step at a time and do some social marketing. A little goes a long way and before you know it, you will reach a point where a lot of traffic and lots of search engine rankings are piling up because you simply started doing something each day.

There's a lot you can learn about social marketing. And not all of it can be found on free blogs.

How to Get Backlinks to Your Website

Getting traffic and backlinks to Website or blog is something that everyone never gives up trying to do. Below we have list 50 ways that will not only get you backlinks to your blog but will also bring in a nice steady flow of traffic.

NEW. Blogatiser Submit your Blog Posts.
1. Register your blog with Mybloglog
2. Register with Blogcatalog
3. Submit your posts to Digg
4. Submit your pages to Stumbleupon
5. Submit your posts to Blog Engage
6. sSubmit your posts to Sphinn
7. Add your posts to Pliggdirectory
8. Submit to Blogging zoom
9. Sign up with Entrecard
10. Sign up with Bumpzee
11. Join Twitter
12. Submit your blog to Blurb blog directory
13. Submit to Poll get
14. Submit to Blurb directory
15. Submit to Business urls
16. Submit your feed to RSS directories here is some to get you started
17. Create a profile on Facebook
18. Create a Myspace profile
19. Ckaim your blog on Technorati
20. Use post Toaster
21. Submit your Rss Feed to Feed Shot
22. Use Feed Burner to promote your feeds
23. Ping your blog with Ping Goat
24. Use a feed button tool
25. Comment on other blogs in your niche
26. Join Blog Banner Exchange and exchange with other blogs
27. Join Blog Explosion
28. Re-write your posts and submit them to Ezine Articles
29. Re-write your posts and submit to Go Articles
30. Re-write your posts and submit to Trump Articles
31. Join Diigo
32. Join the number 1 blog Top site
33. Join Blog Top List
34. Join Blog Rolling
35. Particpate on Yahoo answers
36. Create a on Squidoo
37. Join and create Yahoo groups
38. Submit watermarked videos to Youtube
39. Join the blog Network 9 Rules
40. Join the network B5 Media
41. Create your self a carnival
42. Join Blog Forums like Blog Chews and other webmaster forums
43. Sign up to Blog Burst
44. Join Connectedy
45. Submit to Inside hits
46. Add your feed to My Yahoo
47. Submit to Reddit
48. Link to other blog posts this will get you a link on their Websites
49. Review blogs at Blog Critic
50. Join Top 100 Blogs

Make Money Online with Affiliate Marketing

You can make money online through Affliate Marketing on your blog or website by placing ads or links from affliate companies. There are many Affliate Network Companies that will pay you commission just to place ads or links on your website or blog or in an ad or article. This is how thousands of bloggers are making money online easily and quitting their day jobs. It's very easy to do and free to sign up and get started. All you need to do is register with the Affliate Network Companies, then log in and pick the companies you wish to advertise for.

There are around 114,000 companies that you can sign up to advertise for. The Affliate Network companies have advertisers you can sign up with some well known major retailers like Macys, Hallmark, Nordstrom, Walmart, Target, Sephora, ect. or you can sign up through ebay and amazon as an Affliate directly. Once you get the banners and links from the advertisers, you can place banner or link ads on your website or blog, free ad classified sites, social bookmarking sites like Delicious, Reddit, Digg, Propeller, ect. write articles with the banner or link ads included in your article or anywhere you else like.

Some great Affliate Network Companies to start with are PayDotCom, Commission Junction, Share a Sale, Clickbank Digital Products, and LinkShare.

3 Ways For Earning Money From Home

It can be hard to find jobs for stay at home moms these days. With all of the scams that run on the internet, it's tough to decipher what opportunities are legitimate and what are fake. If you are a stay at home mom who is looking for a supplemental income, I know of 3 ways that you can earn money online and almost start earning that money instantly!

No, this is not another joke, scam, or anything else. These 3 ways are perfect for beginners and can help you learn how to find great opportunities on the internet. Great opportunities do exist, but you just have to know where to find them and how to find them.

#1 - Paid Surveys

If you are already familiar with these, great! If not, then you should start becoming more familiar with them! Paid surveys are an excellent way for stay at home moms to earn some extra supplemental income. You can easily earn around $300 per month from paid surveys with very minimal effort. While $300 doesn't sound like a lot, every penny counts. I know that my family and I spend close to $300 per month on groceries. This extra money earned would eliminate that expense.

Paid surveys are easy to find. You can search your favorite search engine for free paid survey sites to join. The more you join, the more you can earn.

#2 - Sell Stuff On eBay

If you think I'm wasting my time telling you about eBay (because it has been around forever), then you might want to read further. eBay is one of the biggest money makers on the internet today. If you've sold on eBay, then you know how to handle it. Never sold on eBay before? Consider cleaning out the house and listing things you need to get rid of. This can help build up your seller reputation.

Now, whether you have sold before or not, consider opening your own eBay store. Sell products that you have an interest in. Buy things in bulk and mark them up when you list your items. Find out what the competition sells the same item for and sell it for less (if you can afford to do so). This is a perfect job for a stay at home mom who has some extra time on her hands.

#3 - Consider Actual Employment From Home

Did you know that work at home jobs are on the rise? Join the club and find a job with a legitimate company doing part-time work, such as telephone customer service, telemarketing, or freelance work. Many of these companies hire tons of people to work from home, as it saves them a lot of money. It allows them to have smaller offices, lowering their overhead, therefore putting more money in their pockets. It's no wonder why they love to hire people to work at home!

Freelance job boards are also an excellent way to earn some income. Find out what you excel at and put your skills to work. You would be surprised at what you can accomplish. Better yet, you might even end up with a thriving business if you are great at what you do and their is a high demand for your skills.You never know what will come of it, unless you try!

Why I think PayDotCom is the Best Affiliate Marketplace on the Net!


If you are familiar with Clickbank.com (R), or even if you are not but you want to make profits online, then you will want to check this out ASAP ...

While I like Clickbank, and they are a great marketplace... they are limited to many restrictions to sell products or earn affiliate commissions...

Well, there is a GREAT NEW SERVICE now...

It is a new FREE marketplace where you can sell any product you want.

Yours OWN product...

- OR - (the best part)
You can become an INSTANT Affiliate for ANY item in their HUGE marketplace.

It is called PayDotCom.com!

Did I mention it is 100% FREE to Join!

This site is going to KILL all other marketplaces and I by now, almost EVERY SINGLE SERIOUS online marketer has an account with PayDotCom.com

So get yours now and see how much they offer...

OH! - Also, they have their won affiliate program now that pays you COLD HARD cash just for sharing the site with people like I am doing with you...

They give you cool tools like BLOG WIDGETS, and they even have an advertising program to help you get traffic to your site.

If you want an ARMY of affiliates to sell your products for you, they also allow you to have Free placement in their marketplace!

Even better... If your product becomes one of the Top 25 products in its category in the marketplace (not that hard to do)...

...then you will get Free advertising on the Blog Widget which is syndicated on THOUSANDS of sites World Wide and get Millions of impressions per month.

So, what are you waiting for...

PayDotCom.com ROCKS!

Get your FREE account now...

Click The Link : http://paydotcom.net


Smiley Rose

P.S. - Make sure to get your Account NOW while it is Free to join.

Keyword elite Review

There are so many keyword research tools on the market today. A lot of them are completely free. As with any other market that has a lot of players, some of them are good and some of them are not so good (even bad!).

Brad Cullen, a well known internet marketer (he is also the creator of Seo Elite, a state of the art SEO software) came up with another keyword research software. He promised that it will blow away all of his competitors.

So is Keyword Elite indeed a lot better than all the other keyword research tools on the market. Without a doubt… it is! This powerful software cracks the entire online keyword marketing arena wide open. That will sound like pure hype until you take a close look at this keyword research software and realize just how powerful and beneficial it will be in helping you dominate your niche.

A lot of people still don't get the fact that keyword research is one of the most important parts in online marketing these days! In order to dominate any niche you must first discover which keywords or phrases surfers are using to search for information in your niche. There is no way around it! After that you will need to optimize your pages for these good keywords to stay ahead your competitors in the search engines.

This is where and why Keyword Elite is so extremely important, even for the novice webmaster, it will supply the information and keywords you need to build targeted traffic to your site.
Keyword Elite Review

Keyword Elite comes with 5 project modes:

1. Analyze Pay Per Click Listings

Use it retrieve valuable information on Pay-Per-Click listings and keywords. Create thousands of traffic pulling keywords within seconds and soar above other marketers not using this software. It will give you a distinct advantage over your competition.

2. Create A keyword List

Using keyword Elite you can build a big list of up to 10,000 in one session. But, that's not all you can edit and append to the list of keyword found.

3. Select Your Keyword List

Not all keywords are useful. Discover what keywords are useful for your niche or site.
Keyword Elite will help you find the best keywords.. This feature alone will save you a lot of time.

4. Analyze Keyword Competition

Keyword Elite
really does a great job here analyzing the competition. It retrieves the top keywords and the top websites for your researched keyword.

5. Spy on Your Adwords Competition

This is perhaps the most useful and powerful function of Keyword Elite. It will literally spy on your Adwords competitors, tell you which keywords they are using over a long period of time. Basically telling you which keywords your competitors are using to bring in the profits. This infomration alone could be worth $1000s if used correctly!

Keyword Elite is not really a Magic Weapon, but ALMOST
By using Keyword Elite even a novice webmaster has the chance of getting a Top 10 listing in Google / Yahoo / MSN. And as mentioned above is is also EXTREMELY helpful if you are playing the adwords game. By spying at your adwords competition you will find out how much you atually need to bid to be on topand make real money.

If you don't own Keyword Elite already … get it now, you won't regret it!

Affiliate Elite Software Review

This software will help the average marketer to make money online, will help you to finally overcome the obstacles of making money at affiliate marketing.

Imagine having the power to uncover each of your competitors strategy, their ads, keywords, landing pages, conversions, how much they are paying at adwords, what keywords they are bidding on, the best converting affiliate products and much more...

What did you say? No way? Think again

Yes, its true, and these are only a few of the softwares options.

Buying Affiliate Elite will give you the power to uncover any websites strategy either at the organic listings or at ppc. Just type the web address and Affiliate Elite Software hands you over the secrets of both the top trafficked websites and top affiliate marketers.

But first let me tell you a few things about the creator of Affiliate Elite Software. His name is Brad Callen. He is the guy that created two internet marketing products that even to date everyone in the internet marketing world speaks of Keyword Elite and Seo elite are both at the number one position at the Clickbank marketplace for the last three years.

If you are Brad's customer already then you know that the guy knows his thing. Every time he is making a product is big news at the internet marketing world and sells like crazy.

And now he comes out with a new creation. A revolutionary program that will help each one of us to make money online to either pay our rent, buy a new car, or pay our mortgage.

Google Money Pro Review

GoogleMoneyPro Review is all about new adwords course written by a Steven Holdaway who makes an average of $120,000 a month and is also recognized as an "adwords qualified individual." So in short, that means he really knows what he is doing.

From the outside, Google Money Pro looked pretty darn good to me as it claimed to show you things such as:

* How To Tell If A Website Will Be Profitable.
* Make Any Website Explode In Sales.
*How To Destroy The Competition While Paying Less.
* The Secret To Getting 20,000 Clicks A Day.
* How To Build Huge Lists Of Relevant Keywords.
* Getting Inexpensive Traffic To Highly Advertised Sites

And so on...

So I picked up a copy of this mammoth Adwords course to see if it was as good as I thought it might be. Here's what I found:

Google Money Pro is a very comprehensive course, and the author really walks through all the steps so that nothing is left out. One thing that I appreciated was that Google Money Pro had plenty of screenshots and examples.

I also liked the fact that Google Money Pro consists of ethical techniques that are the core of a long term successful business. It seems there are a lot of guys out there that try to sell short term cheats, only to have Google change the rules and make their courses obsolete 3 months later.

Google Money Pro can certainly help anyone make a full time income with Google Adwords, and I think that it might be better suited to beginners because of how comprehensive it is.

For GoogleMoneyPro

visit : http://www.googlemoneypro.co.cc

score : 4.5/5

Earn Easy Money On The Internet

There are several ways to earn money on the Internet by becoming an affiliate business partner with other services and merchandise promoters or online companies. First, there can be income generated from simply displaying another companies logo or banner on the house or business website, as well as newsletter or other informative correspondence. Every time a person anywhere in the world downloads the web page, or email, bringing that logo into their house, the company advertising on the website pays for the opportunity to be seen by one's personal contacts. This method of affiliation is the simplest way to work at one's house, but pays the lowest dividends.

Another affiliate income generating opportunity is the money that is earned every time a shopper actually clicks the button of an advertiser on the website. The "click" income method is more profitable for websites that have higher traffic numbers. Shoppers interested in the website will also be interested in the products and services offered through the advertising on the web page. Affiliate business opportunities that pay for every click on a banner or button are profitable ways earn money on the Internet. And, there is another ways to generate funds with affiliations. There are affiliate programs that will pay for sales leads or percentages on the sales themselves. This is often the case with large service providers such as mortgage companies, financial institutions, or even counseling services.

Before diving into any business idea to earn money from home, would be entrepreneurs should take time to self-evaluate their own career goals and financial needs. Those considering a home-based business will also need to be disciplined in work habits and schedules. Earning money from home allows for flexibility, but often temptations to procrastinate can prove to be too great, and the business fails. If a person is a self-starter and a highly motivated individual who does not mind working alone at times, then getting a business going online may be for what they're looking for. Research the many different ways to earn money on the Internet today, and find the perfect business for one's financial and personal needs.

Easy Money Making Internet Business

Making money from Internet businesses are as many and varied as things that are found in the local mall. Personal grooming products and health products are now easily purchased with one's computer. Flowers for special occasions, or home decorating items can be ordered with a click of a mouse. The person with a local store who wants to expand can obtain a web site and join those who make money from online businesses. They can fill online orders quickly, and expand their customer base substantially.

For those persons who want to target a specific market that coincides with their beliefs or philosophy, it is possible to make money from online businesses that reflect those ideals. For instance, there are many kinds of Christian items that can be sold as easily on the Internet as through a store: Bibles, candles, pictures, wall plaques, etc. are items that have a constant customer base. Christian books in several genres are another possibility for items that fit that particular niche. Spreading the word without preaching to people is a gentle way to get people to thinking about their spiritual lives.

When a person has things in her home that are still good, but she has no use for any more, there is an alternative to the old-fashioned garage sale. She can make money through Internet businesses that sell or auction stuff off online. That can be taken a step farther and she can accept items from other people to sell and open her own store. Just as with any other of the ways to make money from Internet businesses, there are rules of conduct and protocols that must be followed to be successful. Records must be kept, items properly packed and insured, and deliveries made promptly to build a reputation of reliability.

How To Make Money Online Secrets

Money-making opportunities that require the user to pay a company a fee in order to make money are rarely good ideas. Investing in a franchise or paying for viable tools to earn an income is realistic, for example, but paying others for a job opportunity is not always successful. In most cases, a company should be paying the skilled person for their expertise rather than vice versa. Opportunities that offer free or very low fees for pre-built business opportunities may also imply that all a person needs to make huge profits from their money making secrets are included within their particular business package. Buyers should beware and always read the fine print as to the extra marketing tools that will need to be purchased in order to make the business successful. This form of hype can cost more and more as the months go on without large returns on the initial investment. Companies that offer these opportunities make money off of the marketing and business tools that are constantly being advertised to their owners.

Although there are many pitfalls and some disappointing information on the World Wide Web as to legitimate potential for making an income, there are many legitimate sources to investigate that can offer ways to earn cash online. Secret ways to make money online are really only secrets to the less informed. In order to find a way to earn cash through Internet methods, research is the first order of business for anyone. Keeping in mind personal talents, expertise, and abilities that can be brought to the table for a business idea are key to matching up with the right online opportunities. For example, those who have really made it in affiliate marketing use content rich sites that exploit an area of expertise that they may possess or wish to knowledgeably target. Systematically building an affiliate site can be monetarily rewarding as the building blocks of information, SEO strategies and solid affiliate programs are added.

Some MLM business opportunities can be viable as well, although MLM ventures should be thoroughly invested before jumping on the bandwagon. For years, MLM schemes have been touted as one of the top money making secrets in both the offline and online world. Many people have made large, yearly incomes from these ventures, but many also have been scammed or disappointed by unsuccessful efforts. Some of the earmarks of a good MLM opportunity will be longevity of business, good reports from longtime owners and a clean financial history for up to 10 years. While many people are anxious to get in on the ground floor of an MLM opportunity, thorough research as to any opportunities' organization, structure, service, support and marketing education is tremendously important. For those who want to find secret ways to make money online, a balance between riding the first wave of a great idea while exerting cautious research is highly recommended. There are many secrets to making money online in today's continually evolving virtual marketplace for anyone who is willing to learn just a little about computers, the Internet and themselves.

Home Business For Money Making Online

A home business money making opportunity is perfect for the person who doesn't feel a need for personal interactions on a daily basis. A person has to be comfortable working alone. Technology is one of the most important parts of the home based businesses that make money. The use of the Internet is a great way to develop and maintain this kind of enterprise. On the other hand, there are Internet businesses that have a lot of interaction along with the computer contacts. Telephone calls to potential clients, or to bring in new salespeople into the business are part of some of these at home ventures. For the "born salesman" this is a good niche. There are ways to use the particular talents one happens to have to generate added income to the family coffers.

Another way to make extra cash at the house that can generate income for the family is enterprise that requires the businessman or woman to perform sales demonstrations outside the house occasionally. Many companies selling cosmetics, candles, dishes, and other items use the help of representatives who work through the residence based ventures to sell these products. Most of the work can be completed at one's house with the need to have parties or demonstrations from time to time. Much of the work can be done through the Internet to purchase the product, sell the product, and maintain a website for customers to find information on the available products. This is a great way to pursue home based businesses that make money.

Get More Success Online internet marketer Report

As of today, people look at your performance to see how credible you are. The problem arises if an internet marketer is a newbie. How can he or she be credible if they are new one to this business? What success stories can they share to those they are targeting as clients?

Credibility is something earned through years of exposure, unexpected success stories, or consistency in making money online.

There are so many strategies on how to be credible online.

1) First is your identity as a successful internet marketer.

You can be credible without even promoting yourself. If you have done great things online, word of mouth is enough for your name to spread around the internet.

2) Show screenshots of your earnings.

You can never claim to be successful without showing your business performance and earnings. Of course your earnings will dictate if you are truly someone that people should learn from.

You cannot claim to be the best affiliate marketer if you just earned $100 dollars as an affiliate. However make sure these screen shots are up to date and don't show earnings from a year ago!

3) Show your website popularity.

Everyone that seems to be credible online ranks their website high in search engines and alexa. Look at John Chow, the Problogger and many more. These individuals have a listing of 20,000 or less in Alexa. Alexa rates how popular a site is. The lower the number the more popular your site is.

4) Make your products known online.

You cannot be classified as a true info product creator if what you sell does not create a buzz online. Unless your product is popular, that’s the only time your product appears to be valuable.

These are the basic things that show the internet marketers credibility. The list above can really help you however, it is difficult to get to this point if you are a complete newbie.

It will be unfair if those are the only ways to show someone's credibility.

Get Google Adwords Ads Free !

A new breakthrough secret is all you now need in order to get your Google AdWords pay-per-clicks FREE!

A gentleman from New York discovered what he calls an “oversight” on the part of 99.9% of all marketers that allows him to get otherwise paid-for advertising at Google as well as all other search engines that allow sponsored ads.

And no, nothing about his “secret” is illegal – nor does it require that you know someone on the “inside” at Google, Yahoo, MSN, Overture and others.

Instead, the New Yorker boasts proudly “…this is something that I caught onto just before 2000 when there was so much search engine craze running around, and started doing small just to test things at first … but which I later expanded on after getting the hang of it.”

This same fellow went on to start and operate sixteen separate online companies selling everything from pet food, DVDs, children’s toys & games, books, software, and sold not only his own manufactured products but became an affiliate for other web businesses – all the while applying his mastermind secret.

Over the course of nearly eight years the New Englander confesses “I’ve actually gotten over $87 million in advertising that using my secret I never had to pay for … and the largest share of which was more recently in Google pay-per-clicks as well as other forms of pad advertising at search engines … all of which I got for free …”

So powerful is his secret that he’s able to monopolize any niche online, and can always secure the top premium spots just above the usual organic results featured at most search engines.

He still has to set up an account with the search engines – but after applying his secret he is removed from having to pay for all the costs otherwise involved.
Again, nothing about his secret is either illegal or robs from the search engines.

One spokesperson from one of the most popular search engines said chuckling after being made privy to this amazing secret “Wow! Ha! This is really unique … and in my expert opinion it would only serve to enhance and bring more business to us at [name of search engine withheld for legal & confidentiality reasons] and not cause us to lose business in the slightest. Amazing!”

The northerner revealed that in this nearly eight years’ period of time since applying his secret he’s done well over $300 million in sales revenue with a most diverse line of products, and most recently in the last two years netted nearly $166 million after really “buckling down and pressing my secret to its fullest potential.”

Now to everyone else’s fortune, the city slicker is releasing his secret for getting an unlimited amount of pay-per-click ads to the general public. But he’s not promising any of us for how long.

A bit of an eccentric, the gentleman says “We’ll see just how long I can make it available before it saturates things.”

One famous public web guru pointed out that although this man may gain economically more so as a result of the publication of his secret “he’s already so amazingly rich that whether he continues or discontinues its sale will neither make nor break the man, but not grabbing it for yourself while it’s still available could prove disastrous for you as you may only have one chance, and a very limited one at that, to get this.”

…so you may want to head on over there now and get it.

It’s in a very easily readable format and is quickly and readily understood and mastered by anyone with even a 4th grade reading level.

While you’re there, why not scroll down and review for yourself the huge successes others are now having with this incredible breakthrough in targeted advertising now made freely available to the rest of us?

Search Engine Submission Report

Every day, more and more people turn to Internet search engines to find the products and services they need. As an online business owner, you already understand the importance of your web site's search engine placement. It's becoming more important all the time. More and more, search engine rank is crucial to the success of your online business.

A software program, (known as a "robot", "spider" or "crawler") reads or indexes the web pages, follows links between pages and sites, and collects information stored for later use. The information collected is analyzed into an "index" which is a large database of all the sites the crawler visited and read.

When you search using one of these search engines, you are really searching the index or database. The results produced by the search engine will depend on the contents or website competition in the index. Each page stored in the database directory are ranked based on the contents of each web page, including the title of the page, meta tags, text, images etc.

Altering the information contained in your web pages and site, will cause the entries in the index for your site to change, although this will only happen after the search engine's software has seen and indexed your new content.

Whenever a user searches using a keyword or keyword phrase, the search engine searches through the index to find the word(s) or phrase and returns the matching results. Modifying your web page can make your site more or less relevant in the search results.

Competition of Social Bookmarking Sites

The escalating popularity and competition of different sites has extended the services offered to offer more than just sharing bookmarks, such as rating, the ability to import and export, add notes, reviews, email links, automatic notification, make comments, get feed subscription, web annotation, create groups and social networks.

The main downside to social bookmarking is that it can also be susceptible to corruption and conspiracy. Moreover, due to its popularity, some users have started using it as a vehicle to use along with search engine optimization to enhance their website's visibility. The more a web page is presented and tagged, the bigger would its chances of being found, and spammers have started bookmarking multiple times the same web page and/or each page of their web site using a lot of popular tags, which has forced developers to constantly improve their security systems to effectively filter spam mail and other abuses.

The major distinctive feature of social bookmark applications, however, is the social nature of their use, and currently there is a bias toward increased transparency in these tools, to prevent abuse. Although bookmark collections are personally created and maintained, they are typically visible to others. A number of user interface elements are configured to allow open browsing of the bookmark space.

For example, user names are "clickable" links; clicking on a name reveals the bookmarked collection of that user, and allows a web user to get a full idea of the topics of interest for a particular user, which are also visible to others.

Learn About Social Bookmarking Sites

Today, the act of connecting with people who share both your interests and passions could now be done easily thru the World Wide Web. One proven and popular method for people to find useful links, groups and interest networks is thru social bookmarking. The method of social bookmarking is a way for internet users to store, classify, share and search Internet bookmarks.

The rise of the Internet has made social interaction more vivid, in both real and virtual worlds. Before, socializing simply meant going through the standard social circles likes clubs, or thru methods like joining dating networks, or meeting people with the same interests in clubs or other social organizations.

Once a web user is on a social bookmarking network, the user can store lists of Internet resources which they find useful and personally relevant. The lists he complies can then be within reach by users or patrons of a specific network or website. Other web users with related interests and views can then see the links by category, topic, tags, or even randomly. Social bookmarks also offer specific services unique to a precise subject or format, like books, videos, fashion items, map locations, shoes, etc. can be easily found and located.

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